" ...many objections to the use of Forest Lake as a huge water reservoir."

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[[Editor's Note: For specific reference to the Forest Lake Reservoir project, please see: "Use Permit and Design Approval for the improvement of the existing Forest Lake Reservoir for the treatment and open storage of reclaimed water" in the DMFLUAC Agenda item following this letter.]]  

July 25, 2001

Richard Andrews, General Manager
Pebble Beach Community Services District
Forest Lake and Lopez Roads
Pebble Beach CA 93953

Subject: Notice of Proposed Negative Declaration

Dear Mr. Andrews:

It was with great disappointment that your letter of July 13, 2001 stated your refusal to extend the review time. With financing for the project not resolved and which may not be resolved for a year or more, a 30 day extension would certainly not be disruptive of your plans.

Your records include my many objections to the use of Forest Lake as a huge water reservoir. It would endanger the life and property of nearby residents of what is now a built out residential neighborhood in the middle of Pebble Beach. No indemnification is being offered nearby residents except that offered by your liability insurance policies. Then only after what would probably be very lengthy litigation regarding your insurance coverage or that of residents which would probably not be able to prove that your actions were the cause. A disastrous financial period for harmed residents, with no guarantee of any recovery.

As to other reasons which might dictate an extended review, Section 15071 of the CEQA Guidelines requires that the initial study be attached to any Negative Declaration circulated for public review. It was not received with your Public Notice of 4 June 2001.

Please forward me a copy of the Final Expanded Initial Study of February 22, 1996.

With this study in hand subsequent changes such as your acquisition of the land, changes to the reservoir,the need for a desalination process and the inclusion of the Pebble Beach Company as a de facto partner in their plans to develop a huge expansion of their commercial enterprise with financing to come from the questionable sale of very rare and costly potable water only to those entities who can pay the exorbitant price.

This whole process cries out for a complete review of its effect on traffic, wild life, water life,water, coastal beaches, the Marine sanctuary, vegetation, endangered species, etc. A complete Environmental Impact Report that assesses the cumulative effects and risks should be required.


/ss/ Robert W. Shepner

cc: Tami Grove, Deputy Director, California Coastal Commission
Kristina Gee, Project Manager, Monterey County Planning and Building Inspection Department
Dave Potter, Supervisor 5th District
Bill Phillips, Monterey County Planning Department
[other residents]
William L. Perocchi, CEO, Pebble Beach Company

Del Monte Forest Land Use Advisory Committee (DMFLUAC)


Thursday, July 05, 2001, 3:00 PM
. . . at Pebble Beach Community Services District, Forest Lake & Lopez Roads, Pebble Beach

File Number: PLN000210
Project Location: Forest Lake, Pebble Beach
Project Planner: Kristina Gee
Area Plan: Greater Monterey Peninsula Area Plan

Project Description: Extension and Amendment of Combined Development Permit (PLN-965447) which currently consists of a Use Permit and Design Approval for the improvement of the existing Forest Lake Reservoir for the treatment and open storage of reclaimed water; to include a liner and under drain system, inlet and outlet structures, buried piping, paved access road, and tree removal (42); Use Permit and Design Approval for the Sawmill Gulch emergency outlet concrete structure; Amendment to the Forest Lake Reservoir Use Permit for reconstruction of the north embankment per the requirements of the Division of Safety of Dams. Forest Lake Reservoir is located northeast of Lopez Road, west of Congress Road, and south of Bird Rock and Colton Roads, Pebble Beach (Assessor's Parcel Number 007-491-016-000), and the Sawmill Gulch outlet is located north of Colton Road, Pebble Beach (Assessor's Parcel Number 007-371-012-000), both projects are located in the Country Club area of Del Monte Forest.

Recommendation to: Planning Commission
Action: Forwarded recommendation