LandWatch News Alert - Help Spread the Truth!

LandWatch Membership Alert

Help Spread the Truth!

What: Response to false and inflammatory statements from Sheryl McKenzie, Government Affairs Director for the Monterey County Association of REALTORS®

What's needed:

  • Letters to the editor of the Monterey County Herald, Salinas Californian, and Monterey County Weekly.
  • Broad distribution of this alert to your friends and neighbors

When: Now!

Sheryl McKenzie, the Government Affairs Director for the Monterey County Association of REALTORS®, is spreading lies about LandWatch. We need your help in insisting that she stop. We need to call her on it, publicly and loudly.

A recent mailer sent out by Ms. McKenzie entitled "Beware of Temper Tantrums" claimed that " LandWatch is not really interested in a general plan that's good for all of the county;" "They're just interested in confusing the voters and throwing a monkey-wrench into the orderly system of government;" and " … the general plan that they boycotted and tried to torpedo has been adopted by the Board of Supervisors."

These statements are simply not true. And Sheryl McKenzie knows it.

LandWatch worked in good faith for seven years with the Board of Supervisors to update Monterey County's 1982 General Plan. LandWatch staff and LandWatch members have been involved at every stage of the process. We watched in great frustration as the Board of Supervisors spent $7 million of local taxpayer dollars without reaching a decision — the result of ceaseless lobbying by McKenzie, large developers and well-heeled private landowners. Working with other local community groups, LandWatch decided enough was enough and launched the Community General Plan Initiative. The Community General Plan Initiative is fair and smart, and serves the whole community. It provides an intelligent framework for managing future growth in a way that doesn't destroy the incomparable communities, environment, and vibrancy of this region. With hundreds of units approved while the County dragged its heels, and more being approved every month, it's time to put a stop to helter skelter growth and start managing our public services more sensibly. Both volunteer signature gatherers and paid signature gatherers have been involved in our efforts to give local residents the right to vote on the key issues that will affect our future.

When we asked McKenzie and the Monterey County Association of REALTORS® board of directors to correct their erroneous statements, they refused. So much for their code of ethics, which claims that "REALTORS® … are zealous to maintain and improve the standards of their calling and share with their fellow REALTORS® a common responsibility for its integrity and honor."

16,000 Monterey County voters signed a citizens petition to put the Community General Plan Initiative on the ballot. These voters support LandWatch's efforts to stop San Jose-style sprawls like Rancho San Juan, and ensure that Monterey County residents have the right to vote on significant developments that impact the quality of their lives — a right this Board of Supervisors has consistently denied. Please remind Sheryl McKenzie and the Monterey County Association of REALTORS® board of directors of their ethical responsibility to be honest. They may disagree with LandWatch's position on the Community General Plan Initiative, but there's no reason for them to lie.

(By the way, the next time you need a realtor, please ask if they support LandWatch. We know that among our members are many good, honest realtors who disagree with what Sheryl McKenzie is doing.)

Letter Guidelines
Your letter has to be 200 words or less. Shorter letters often pack more punch. Be sure to state your name, where you live and your phone number so that they can confirm that the letter is from you. You can email your letter to:

Please Also

  1. Forward this email to your friends and neighbors and ask them to write letters as well.

  2. Copy Sheryl McKenzie, Government Affairs Director, Monterey County Association of REALTORS® at and Arliene Beesley, President, Monterey County Association of REALTORS® at If you know any Monterey County Association of REALTORS® board members - see - please contact them as well.

  3. Support LandWatch in our efforts to bring fair and sensible land use planning to Monterey County. Mail your tax-deductible contribution to LandWatch, Box 1876, Salinas, CA 93902.

  4. Volunteer in the campaign to pass the Community General Plan Initiative. Please contact

LandWatch Monterey County promotes and inspires sound land-use legislation.

LandWatch is dedicated to preserving our community's economic vitality, high agricultural productivity, and the health of our environment by encouraging greater public participation in planning.

LandWatch will keep the public informed about the status of land-use planning in the county. We will monitor the local government agencies responsible for land use decisions, and participate in the public process to promote land use policies that protect the environment, and that will maintain economic vitality. LandWatch is the only professionally-staffed nonprofit organization in Monterey County dedicated solely to this mission.LandWatch Logo
Box 1876 • Salinas, CA 93902 • 831-422-9390 • FAX: 831-422-9391

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